Plastic Surgeon Appointment

Last week, I confirmed with a general surgeon that we would go ahead with a double mastectomy with reconstructive surgery.
They sent me in the a mammogram to see if I could save my nipples. If the test didn’t come back normal they would have to tattoo them on instead.
Two days ago I met with a plastic surgeon who laid out my three options.

*All of these start with a double mastectomy that would take three hours.

1. Put in spacers until I heal, then put in implants in a separate surgery.
However, the doctor told me that some textured implants were causing cancer in patients. Eeek. I was already worried my body wouldn’t do well with implants. Just a hunch. My body is really sensitive to things and I worried they would make me sick and I’d have to take them out.

2. Put implants in the same day.
 Same as the first option just all in one day and more pain while healing. Also, I will need the implants replaced every 15 years.

3. Use my stomach to create new boobs aka flap surgery.
This is my favorite option because no foreign objects in my body plus a tummy tuck. Woohoo. These will also be the most natural since it’s my tissue.
But this surgery is 10 hours (not including double mastectomy, we are talking 13 hours total). Plus 3 days in ICU and more days in the hospital after that. Plus 6-8 week recovery time.

I’m definitely leaning toward option 3 since I was looking into a mommy makeover before I even knew I had the BRCA2 gene mutation. But the length of the surgery and recovery are a little scary.

That’s all for today!



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